Favorite Items for Speech Therapy
Playing with a purpose! Over the years we have discovered a collection of toys and therapy materials that we LOVE to use during our speech sessions at Speakology and we want to share that with you! As clinicians, we incorporate play within all of our sessions with our pediatric clients. Play provides a natural opportunity to work on commenting, vocabulary development, asking questions, making declarative statements, articulation, choice making, turn-taking, narration, sequencing, requesting, protesting and much much more. Some of the below items we have curated make learning fun, interactive and engaging. They are carefully selected to target various aspects of speech therapy, as we might be looking for mass practiced trials for our motor speech sessions, or looking for sensory rich items that engage and inspire learning- we have ideas for you! Reach out to your Speakology SLP for more ideas or specific ways that you might use these items at home.
Speakology Wishlist 2024
This list includes tools, toys, and resources that support our work in helping clients reach their communication and developmental goals. If you’re a parent or supporter looking for ways to contribute, this wish list provides an easy way to make a meaningful impact to us. Your generosity is deeply appreciated and makes a lasting difference!